import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {getParam, http, browser} from "src/utils"; import './camp.scss'; import {connect} from "react-redux"; import {Header, CampTitle, TestItem, ChangeQuestion} from './common/common'; import { Toast } from 'antd-mobile'; class CampTest extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { examList: [], // 问题列表 currentExam: {}, // 当前要展示的问题 currentQuestionOption: {}, // 切换题目时 用来存储当前问题的选项 questionIndex: 1, // 第几个问题 numberList: [],// 答题的题号 qtitle: "", useTime: '00:00', showCard: false, } } componentDidMount() { this.keshi_id = getParam('keshi_id'); this.qidP = getParam('qid'); let _this = this; // 获取问题列表 http.get(`${API.home}/m/aist/get_questions/${this.keshi_id}/${this.qidP}`).then(res => { if( === 4040) {, 2, () => { this.props.history.push('/passport'); }); return; }else if( !== 200){, 2, () => { this.props.history.push('/'); }); return; } let data =; this.qid =; this.course_id = data.course_id; this.setState({ examList: data.list, qtitle: data.qtitle, currentExam: data.list[0], }); _this.answerList = []; => { let obj = {}; obj.questionId =; obj.answerId = 0; _this.answerList.push(obj); }); _this.time = 0; _this.useTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { _this.time += 1; // _this.useTime = _this.getUseTime(_this.time); _this.setState({ useTime: _this.getUseTime(_this.time) }) }, 1000); }); }; // 关闭按钮 close = () => { let isShow = this.state.showCard; if(isShow) { this.setState({ showCard: false }); this.body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'static'; } else { const { history, location: { state={} } } = this.props; let to = ''; if(state.from && state.from.indexOf('video') !== -1) { to='detail' } if(state.from && state.from.indexOf('detail') !== -1) { to='classify' } // console.log(this.props); history.push( `${state.from}`, { to } ); } }; // 选择答案 checkOption = (checkItem) => { let list = this.state.numberList; (item) { if (Number(item.questionId) === Number(checkItem.ques_id)) { item.answerId = checkItem.opt_id; } return item; }); list.push(checkItem.ques_id); this.setState({ currentQuestionOption: checkItem.opt_id, numberList: list }); }; // 上一题 preQuestion = () => { let index = this.state.questionIndex; if(index === 1) { return; } this.setState({ questionIndex: index - 1, currentExam: this.state.examList[index - 2], currentQuestionOption: this.answerList[index - 2].answerId, }); }; // 下一题 nextQuestion = () => { let index = this.state.questionIndex; if(index === this.state.examList.length) { this.setState({ showCard: true }); return; } this.setState({ questionIndex: index + 1, currentExam: this.state.examList[index], currentQuestionOption: this.answerList[index].answerId, }); }; // 通过答题卡的卡号跳转到对应的题目 jumpItem = (item, index) => { this.setState({ showCard: false, questionIndex: index + 1, currentExam: this.state.examList[index], currentQuestionOption: this.answerList[index].answerId, }) }; // 提交 commit = () => { let data = {}; data.video_id = this.keshi_id; data.qid = this.qid; data.cost_time = this.time; data.uid =; data.answer_record = this.answerList;`${API.home}/m/aist/submit`, data).then((res) => { if( === 200) { this.body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'static'; this.props.history.push(`/campResolve?keshi_id=${this.keshi_id}&qid=${this.qid}`, {from: this.props.location.state.from}) }else{, 2); } }); }; // 显示答题卡 showCard = () => { this.setState({ showCard: true }); this.body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'fixed'; }; // 答题用时的格式化 getUseTime = (date) => { let hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0; hours = `${parseInt(date / (60 * 60))}`.padStart(2, 0); minutes = `${parseInt((date - hours * 3600) / 60)}`.padStart(2, 0); seconds = `${parseInt((date - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60))}`.padStart(2, 0); if (date === 3600 * 24) { clearInterval(this.useTimeInterval); this.useTimeInterval = null; } else { if (date < 3600) { return `${minutes}:${seconds}` } else { return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}` } } }; render() { let {qtitle, currentExam, currentQuestionOption, questionIndex, examList, useTime, showCard, numberList} = this.state; return ( <div className='camp-test-container'> <div className={'fixed_container'}> {/*关闭按钮 时间 答题卡*/} <Header time={useTime} showCardEve={this.showCard} close={this.close} showCard={showCard} /> {/*课后练习题 当前题目 题目总数*/} <CampTitle qtitle={qtitle} questionIndex={questionIndex} examList={examList}/> </div> {/*题目*/} <TestItem questionIndex={questionIndex} checkOption={this.checkOption} currentExam={currentExam} currentQuestionOption={currentQuestionOption} /> {/*切换题目*/} <ChangeQuestion preQuestion={this.preQuestion} nextQuestion={this.nextQuestion} questionIndex={questionIndex} /> {/* 答题卡 */} { showCard && ( <div className='test-card-container' > <p>{`课后练习:${qtitle}`}</p> <ul className={'test-item'}> {, index) => { return <li key={} onClick={() => {this.jumpItem(item, index)}} className={`layout-flex-center ${numberList.includes( ? 'answered' : ''}`}>{index + 1}</li> }) } </ul> <div className={'bottom_commit'}> <div onClick={this.commit} className={'commit_answer layout-flex-center'}>提交并查看结果</div> </div> </div> ) } </div> ); } } export default connect( state => ({user: state.user}), null )(CampTest)