Commit bd105657 by xuzhenghua


parents e4a85ed8 a2ea4a2f
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {SendMessageToApp} from '@/utils'
import {Button, Toast, WhiteSpace} from 'antd-mobile'
import cookie from 'js-cookie'
import {addDays} from "date-fns"
class ToAppDemo extends Component {
state = {
userInfoList: [],
componentDidMount() {
// 获取App登录信息
window['loginInfo'] = result => {
getData = () => {'获取福气值', 2)
// 获取app登录数据
loginInfo = (result) => {
userInfoList: result
if (this.state.userInfoList.length !== 0) {
// 保存cookie
appLogin = () => {
let expires = addDays(new Date(), 90), index) => {, 3)
cookie.set("token", item.token, {expires, path: '/', domain: ''});
cookie.set("plat", item.plat, {expires, path: '/', domain: ''});
cookie.set("uid", item.uid, {expires, path: '/', domain: ''});
cookie.set("uname", item.uname, {expires, path: '/', domain: ''});
cookie.set("avatar_file", item.avatar_file, {expires, path: '/', domain: ''});
// 跳转App登录
toLogin = () => {
// 立即付定金
earnestMoney = (courseId) => {
SendMessageToApp("earnestMoney", courseId);
// 去课程详情页
toCourse = (courseId, type) => {
let data = {
courseId: courseId,
type: type // 正常跳课程详情页type:0,积福气浏览课程详情页-没有浏览过type:1 已浏览过type:2
SendMessageToApp("toCourse", data);
// 人工咨询
toQQ = () => {
SendMessageToApp("toQQ", '')
// 直播间
toLiveRoom = (toLiveRoom) => {
SendMessageToApp("toLiveRoom", toLiveRoom)
// QQ分享
QQshare = () => {
// 内容需要和产品确认
let data = {
title: '11.11-11.13 AI充电节,预热来袭!重磅好课1折秒,超10万元奖品来就送-七月在线', // 标题
desc: '11.11-11.13 AI充电节,预热来袭!重磅好课1折秒,超10万元奖品来就送-七月在线', // 描述
imgUrl: '', // 图片地址
link: '' // url
SendMessageToApp("QQshare", data)
// 微信分享
WXshare = () => {
// 内容需要和产品确认
let data = {
title: '11.11-11.13 AI充电节,预热来袭!重磅好课1折秒,超10万元奖品来就送-七月在线', // 标题
desc: '11.11-11.13 AI充电节,预热来袭!重磅好课1折秒,超10万元奖品来就送-七月在线', // 描述
imgUrl: '', // 图片地址
link: '' // url
SendMessageToApp("WXshare", data)
// 邀请好友注册
toShare = () => {
let data = {
title: '11.11-11.13 AI充电节,预热来袭!重磅好课1折秒,超10万元奖品来就送-七月在线', // 标题
desc: '11.11-11.13 AI充电节,预热来袭!重磅好课1折秒,超10万元奖品来就送-七月在线', // 描述
imgUrl: '', // 图片地址
link: '' // url
SendMessageToApp("toShare", data)
render() {
return (
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toLogin()}>App登录</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toCourse(165, 0)}>课程详情页</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toCourse(165, 1)}>浏览课程详情页</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.QQshare()}>分享(QQ</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.WXshare()}>分享(微信)</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toShare()}>邀请好友注册</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.earnestMoney(165)}>立即付定金</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toCourse(165, 0)}>去学习(跳课程详情页)</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toQQ()}>立抢超低团购价(跳人工咨询)</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toCourse(165, 0)}>开始使用(跳课程详情页)</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toCourse(165, 0)}>一分钱开团(跳课程详情页)</Button><WhiteSpace/>
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => this.toLiveRoom(100)}>正在直播</Button><WhiteSpace/>
export default ToAppDemo
...@@ -208,4 +208,8 @@ export default [ ...@@ -208,4 +208,8 @@ export default [
path: '/expand/index', path: '/expand/index',
component: ExpandShare component: ExpandShare
}, },
path: '/toAppDemo',
component: loadable(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'aist-share'*/'@/components/blessingPreheat/toAppDemo'))
] ]
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