Commit 4cb9573e by baiguangyao


parent f2af1ac9
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Tabs, WhiteSpace, Badge} from 'antd-mobile';
import './index.scss';
import Bargain from './bargain'
class Detail extends Component {
state = {
isbuy: 0,
isvip: 0,
stage_info: [
"stage_name": "预习阶段 机器学习中的数学基础",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "微积分",
"video_id": 1170,
"point": [
"name": "微积分的基本概念",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "概率论",
"video_id": 1171,
"point": [
"name": "概率论简介",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "线性代数",
"video_id": 1172,
"point": [
"name": "线性代数基础",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "凸优化",
"video_id": 1173,
"point": [
"name": "凸优化简介",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第一阶段 掌握基本模型 打开ML大门",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第1课 回归问题与应用",
"video_id": 1118,
"point": [
"name": "线性回归",
"type": 1
"name": "logistic回归",
"type": 1
"name": "梯度下降",
"type": 1
"name": "实际工程海量数据下的logistic回归使用",
"type": 1
"name": "分布拟合与回归、用LR分类与概率预测",
"type": 2
"name": "用LR完成Kaggle比赛迈开第一步",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第2课 决策树与树集成模型",
"video_id": 1119,
"point": [
"name": "不同类型的分类树模型",
"type": 1
"name": "决策树回归",
"type": 1
"name": "树模型过拟合与优化",
"type": 1
"name": "使用随机森林进行数据分类",
"type": 1
"name": "Bagging",
"type": 1
"name": "随机森林",
"type": 1
"name": "信用卡欺诈检测",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第3课 SVM",
"video_id": 1120,
"point": [
"name": "线性可分支持向量机、线性支持向量机",
"type": 1
"name": "非线性支持向量机",
"type": 1
"name": "SMO",
"type": 1
"name": "使用SVM进行数据分类",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第4课 最大熵与EM算法(上)",
"video_id": 1121,
"point": [
"name": "熵、相对熵、信息增益",
"type": 1
"name": "最大熵模型、IIS、GMM",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第二阶段 重中之重 特征工程",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第5课 机器学习中的特征工程处理",
"video_id": 1122,
"point": [
"name": "数据清洗、异常点处理",
"type": 1
"name": "特征抽取、选择与组合策略",
"type": 1
"name": "特征处理与特征选择模板",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第6课 多算法组合与模型最优化",
"video_id": 1123,
"point": [
"name": "机器学习问题场景分析、算法选择",
"type": 1
"name": "模型构建、模型性能分析与优化策略",
"type": 1
"name": "构建模型组合策略工具与模板",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第三阶段 工业实战 在实战中掌握一切",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第7课 sklearn与机器学习实战",
"video_id": 1124,
"point": [
"name": "sklearn板块介绍",
"type": 1
"name": "sklearn完成数据预处理与特征工程",
"type": 1
"name": "建模流水线搭建",
"type": 1
"name": "经典Titanic案例,商品销量预测案例等",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第8课 高级工具xgboost/lightGBM与建模实战",
"video_id": 1125,
"point": [
"name": "xgboost使用方法与高级功能",
"type": 1
"name": "lightGBM使用方法与高级功能",
"type": 1
"name": " Titanic与商品销量预测进阶,Kaggle案例实战",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第9课 电商推荐系统",
"video_id": 1126,
"point": [
"name": "推荐系统与评估",
"type": 1
"name": "基于内容的推荐",
"type": 1
"name": "基于近邻的推荐--协同过滤",
"type": 1
"name": "隐语义模型",
"type": 1
"name": "从头手写搭建协同过滤与隐语义模型推荐",
"type": 2
"name": "基于scikit-surprise的推荐系统",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第10课 聚类",
"video_id": 1127,
"point": [
"name": "K-means/K-Medoid",
"type": 1
"name": "层次聚类",
"type": 1
"name": "GMM",
"type": 1
"name": "K-means/GMM代码实现和实际应用分析",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第11课 聚类与推荐系统实战",
"video_id": 1128,
"point": [
"name": "基于用户聚类的推荐系统",
"type": 2
"name": "推荐系统比赛案例(数据、代码)",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第四阶段 高阶知识 深入机器学习",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第12课 贝叶斯网络",
"video_id": 1129,
"point": [
"name": "朴素贝叶斯",
"type": 1
"name": "有向分离",
"type": 1
"name": "马尔科夫模型",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第13课 隐马尔科夫模型HMM",
"video_id": 1130,
"point": [
"name": "概率计算问题",
"type": 1
"name": "参数学习问题",
"type": 1
"name": "状态预测问题",
"type": 1
"name": "使用HMM进行中文分词",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第14课 主题模型",
"video_id": 1131,
"point": [
"name": "pLSA",
"type": 1
"name": "共轭先验分布",
"type": 1
"name": "LDA",
"type": 1
"name": "使用LDA进行文档分类",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第五阶段 迈入深度学习 打开DL大门",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第15课 神经网络初步",
"video_id": 1132,
"point": [
"name": "全连接神经网络",
"type": 1
"name": "反向传播算法与权重优化",
"type": 1
"name": "训练注意点",
"type": 1
"name": "通用混合神经网络模板",
"type": 1
"name": "手写神经网络解决非线性切分问题",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第16课 卷积神经网络与计算机视觉",
"video_id": 1133,
"point": [
"name": "卷积神经网络结构分析",
"type": 1
"name": "过拟合与随机失活",
"type": 1
"name": "卷积神经网络理解",
"type": 1
"name": "典型网络结构详解",
"type": 1
"name": "利用ResNet与inception解决一般图像分类问题套路",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第17课 循环神经网络与自然语言处理",
"video_id": 1134,
"point": [
"name": "循环神经网络",
"type": 1
"name": "长时依赖问题与长短时记忆网络",
"type": 1
"name": "BPTT算法",
"type": 1
"name": "利用循环神经网络生成文本作诗",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第18课 深度学习实践",
"video_id": 1135,
"point": [
"name": "Caffe应用要点",
"type": 1
"name": "TensorFlow/Keras简介",
"type": 1
"name": "用神经网络完成图像分类与特征提取",
"type": 2
"name": "用Keras构建文本情感分析模型",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
render() {
const tabs = [
{title: '介绍'},
{title: '大纲'}
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<div className="toapp">APP打开</div>
<div className="detail-header">
<i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-68 return'}></i>
<span className='herder'>课程详情</span>
<i className={'iconfont icongouwuche shopping-cart'}></i>
<div className='course-content'>
<div className='cover'>
<img src=''
<div className="info">
<p className='title'>区块链实战[一对一实战 公区块链实战[一对一实战 ...</p>
<p className='contact text-overflow-2'>从零入门区块链和比特币,送干货从零入门</p>
<div className='des'>
{this.state.isbuy === 0 && <p className="course-price">
<span className="new">3980</span>
<span className="old">5680</span>
{this.state.isbuy === 1 &&
<a href="/#" className="isbuy">已购买</a>
this.state.isbuy === 1 &&
<div className='group'>
this.state.isvip === 1 &&
<div className="vip">
<p>已开通年会员:2019/03/02 2020/03/02</p>
<div className='promise'>
<p>直播答疑 · 视频回放 · 讲师助教组长同答疑 · 毕业考核等十多项服务</p>
<div className='share-ranking'>
<span className="title">排行榜:</span>
<span className="ranking-mess"><img src="" alt=""/><i>22</i></span>
<span className="ranking-mess"><img src="" alt=""/><i>22</i></span>
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<div className='course-detail'>
<Tabs tabs={tabs}>
<div className='introduce'>
时间:随到随学,视频课件代码作考一应俱全,且讲师助教 答疑
<div className='outline'>
{, index) => {
return (
<div className='stagebox' key={index}>
<h1 className='stage text-overflow-1'>{item.stage_name}</h1>
{, index) => {
return (
<ul key={index}>
<h2 className='classhour text-overflow-1'>{}</h2>
{, index) => {
const type = (
{item.type === 1 &&
<span>知识点{index + 1}</span>
} {item.type === 2 &&
<span className='red'>实战项目:</span>
return (
<li className='points text-overflow-1'
export default Detail;
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Tabs, WhiteSpace} from 'antd-mobile';
import './index.scss';
import Bargain from './bargain'
class Detail extends Component {
state = {
isbuy: 0,
isvip: 0,
stage_info: [
"stage_name": "预习阶段 机器学习中的数学基础",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "微积分",
"video_id": 1170,
"point": [
"name": "微积分的基本概念",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "概率论",
"video_id": 1171,
"point": [
"name": "概率论简介",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "线性代数",
"video_id": 1172,
"point": [
"name": "线性代数基础",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "凸优化",
"video_id": 1173,
"point": [
"name": "凸优化简介",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第一阶段 掌握基本模型 打开ML大门",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第1课 回归问题与应用",
"video_id": 1118,
"point": [
"name": "线性回归",
"type": 1
"name": "logistic回归",
"type": 1
"name": "梯度下降",
"type": 1
"name": "实际工程海量数据下的logistic回归使用",
"type": 1
"name": "分布拟合与回归、用LR分类与概率预测",
"type": 2
"name": "用LR完成Kaggle比赛迈开第一步",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第2课 决策树与树集成模型",
"video_id": 1119,
"point": [
"name": "不同类型的分类树模型",
"type": 1
"name": "决策树回归",
"type": 1
"name": "树模型过拟合与优化",
"type": 1
"name": "使用随机森林进行数据分类",
"type": 1
"name": "Bagging",
"type": 1
"name": "随机森林",
"type": 1
"name": "信用卡欺诈检测",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第3课 SVM",
"video_id": 1120,
"point": [
"name": "线性可分支持向量机、线性支持向量机",
"type": 1
"name": "非线性支持向量机",
"type": 1
"name": "SMO",
"type": 1
"name": "使用SVM进行数据分类",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第4课 最大熵与EM算法(上)",
"video_id": 1121,
"point": [
"name": "熵、相对熵、信息增益",
"type": 1
"name": "最大熵模型、IIS、GMM",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第二阶段 重中之重 特征工程",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第5课 机器学习中的特征工程处理",
"video_id": 1122,
"point": [
"name": "数据清洗、异常点处理",
"type": 1
"name": "特征抽取、选择与组合策略",
"type": 1
"name": "特征处理与特征选择模板",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第6课 多算法组合与模型最优化",
"video_id": 1123,
"point": [
"name": "机器学习问题场景分析、算法选择",
"type": 1
"name": "模型构建、模型性能分析与优化策略",
"type": 1
"name": "构建模型组合策略工具与模板",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第三阶段 工业实战 在实战中掌握一切",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第7课 sklearn与机器学习实战",
"video_id": 1124,
"point": [
"name": "sklearn板块介绍",
"type": 1
"name": "sklearn完成数据预处理与特征工程",
"type": 1
"name": "建模流水线搭建",
"type": 1
"name": "经典Titanic案例,商品销量预测案例等",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第8课 高级工具xgboost/lightGBM与建模实战",
"video_id": 1125,
"point": [
"name": "xgboost使用方法与高级功能",
"type": 1
"name": "lightGBM使用方法与高级功能",
"type": 1
"name": " Titanic与商品销量预测进阶,Kaggle案例实战",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第9课 电商推荐系统",
"video_id": 1126,
"point": [
"name": "推荐系统与评估",
"type": 1
"name": "基于内容的推荐",
"type": 1
"name": "基于近邻的推荐--协同过滤",
"type": 1
"name": "隐语义模型",
"type": 1
"name": "从头手写搭建协同过滤与隐语义模型推荐",
"type": 2
"name": "基于scikit-surprise的推荐系统",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第10课 聚类",
"video_id": 1127,
"point": [
"name": "K-means/K-Medoid",
"type": 1
"name": "层次聚类",
"type": 1
"name": "GMM",
"type": 1
"name": "K-means/GMM代码实现和实际应用分析",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第11课 聚类与推荐系统实战",
"video_id": 1128,
"point": [
"name": "基于用户聚类的推荐系统",
"type": 2
"name": "推荐系统比赛案例(数据、代码)",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第四阶段 高阶知识 深入机器学习",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第12课 贝叶斯网络",
"video_id": 1129,
"point": [
"name": "朴素贝叶斯",
"type": 1
"name": "有向分离",
"type": 1
"name": "马尔科夫模型",
"type": 1
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第13课 隐马尔科夫模型HMM",
"video_id": 1130,
"point": [
"name": "概率计算问题",
"type": 1
"name": "参数学习问题",
"type": 1
"name": "状态预测问题",
"type": 1
"name": "使用HMM进行中文分词",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第14课 主题模型",
"video_id": 1131,
"point": [
"name": "pLSA",
"type": 1
"name": "共轭先验分布",
"type": 1
"name": "LDA",
"type": 1
"name": "使用LDA进行文档分类",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"stage_name": "第五阶段 迈入深度学习 打开DL大门",
"lesson": [
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第15课 神经网络初步",
"video_id": 1132,
"point": [
"name": "全连接神经网络",
"type": 1
"name": "反向传播算法与权重优化",
"type": 1
"name": "训练注意点",
"type": 1
"name": "通用混合神经网络模板",
"type": 1
"name": "手写神经网络解决非线性切分问题",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第16课 卷积神经网络与计算机视觉",
"video_id": 1133,
"point": [
"name": "卷积神经网络结构分析",
"type": 1
"name": "过拟合与随机失活",
"type": 1
"name": "卷积神经网络理解",
"type": 1
"name": "典型网络结构详解",
"type": 1
"name": "利用ResNet与inception解决一般图像分类问题套路",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第17课 循环神经网络与自然语言处理",
"video_id": 1134,
"point": [
"name": "循环神经网络",
"type": 1
"name": "长时依赖问题与长短时记忆网络",
"type": 1
"name": "BPTT算法",
"type": 1
"name": "利用循环神经网络生成文本作诗",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
"is_video": 1,
"name": "第18课 深度学习实践",
"video_id": 1135,
"point": [
"name": "Caffe应用要点",
"type": 1
"name": "TensorFlow/Keras简介",
"type": 1
"name": "用神经网络完成图像分类与特征提取",
"type": 2
"name": "用Keras构建文本情感分析模型",
"type": 2
"class_price": 0,
"is_preview": 0,
"is_class": 0,
"video_auth": 0
render() {
const tabs = [
{title: '介绍'},
{title: '大纲'}
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<div className="toapp">APP打开</div>
<div className="detail-header">
<i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-68 return'}></i>
<span className='herder'>课程详情</span>
<i className={'iconfont icongouwuche shopping-cart'}></i>
<div className='course-content'>
<div className='cover'>
<img src=''
<div className="info">
<p className='title'>区块链实战[一对一实战 公区块链实战[一对一实战 ...</p>
<p className='contact text-overflow-2'>从零入门区块链和比特币,送干货从零入门</p>
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{this.state.isbuy === 0 && <p className="course-price">
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<span className="old">5680</span>
{this.state.isbuy === 1 &&
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this.state.isbuy === 1 &&
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<p>已开通年会员:2019/03/02 2020/03/02</p>
<div className='promise'>
<p>直播答疑 · 视频回放 · 讲师助教组长同答疑 · 毕业考核等十多项服务</p>
<div className='share-ranking'>
<span className="title">排行榜:</span>
<span className="ranking-mess"><img src="" alt=""/><i>22</i></span>
<span className="ranking-mess"><img src="" alt=""/><i>22</i></span>
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<div className='introduce'>
时间:随到随学,视频课件代码作考一应俱全,且讲师助教 答疑
<div className='outline'>
{, index) => {
return (
<div className='stagebox' key={index}>
<h1 className='stage text-overflow-1'>{item.stage_name}</h1>
{, index) => {
return (
<ul key={index}>
<h2 className='classhour text-overflow-1'>{}</h2>
{, index) => {
const type = (
{item.type === 1 &&
<span>知识点{index + 1}</span>
} {item.type === 2 &&
<span className='red'>实战项目:</span>
return (
<li className='points text-overflow-1'
export default Detail;
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {VList} from '../../common';
import {Tabs, WhiteSpace, SearchBar} from 'antd-mobile';
import './index.scss';
class Preferential extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)
this.ontabclick = this.ontabclick.bind(this)
handleClick() {
ontabclick(tab, index) {
console.log(tab, index)
this.setState(status => ({
data: status.dataList,
toSearch() {
window.location.href ='/search'
return() {
window.location.href ='/classify'
state = {
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title: '三月面试求职三月面试求职三月面试求职',
imgUrl: '',
contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
isbuy: 1,
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price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职三月面试求职三月面试求职',
imgUrl: '',
contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
isbuy: 1,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
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contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
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contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
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contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
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contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
isbuy: 1,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职三月面试求职三月面试求职',
imgUrl: '',
contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
isbuy: 1,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
dataList: [
'src': '',
'title': 'Spark大数据',
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'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 0,
'price0': 100,
'price1': 1000
'src': '',
'title': '机器学习',
'teacher': 'wwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 0,
'price0': 100,
'price1': 1000
'src': '',
'title': 'Linux',
'teacher': 'wwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 0,
'price0': 100,
'price1': 1000
'src': '',
'title': '数学',
'teacher': 'wwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 1,
'price0': 200,
'price1': 2000
render() {
const tabs = [
{title: '限时特惠'},
{title: '砍价专区'},
{title: '一键拼团'}
const bottom = (
<i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-69 pull-down'}></i>
const top = (
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{, index) => {
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{item.isbuy === 1 &&
<a href="/#" className="isbuy">已购买</a>
const status = (
{item.isbuy === 1 &&
<p className='course-status'>拼团减100</p>
return (
<VList handleClick={this.handleClick} key={index} status={status}
export default Preferential;
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {VList} from '../../common';
import {Tabs, WhiteSpace, SearchBar} from 'antd-mobile';
import './index.scss';
class Preferential extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)
this.ontabclick = this.ontabclick.bind(this)
handleClick() {
ontabclick(tab, index) {
console.log(tab, index)
this.setState(status => ({
data: status.dataList,
toSearch() {
window.location.href ='/search'
return() {
window.location.href ='/classify'
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title: '三月面试求职三月面试求职三月面试求职',
imgUrl: '',
contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
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contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
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price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
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contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
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contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
data: [
title: '三月面试求职三月面试求职三月面试求职',
imgUrl: '',
contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
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title: '三月面试求职三月面试求职三月面试求职',
imgUrl: '',
contact: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒6',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2三月面试求职班三月面试求职班三月面试求职班分33秒',
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price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
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contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
contact: 'QQ群:449141326',
time: '03月12日',
record: '学习到第2课2分33秒',
isbuy: 0,
price0: 100,
price1: 100
dataList: [
'src': '',
'title': 'Spark大数据',
'teacher': 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 0,
'price0': 100,
'price1': 1000
'src': '',
'title': '机器学习',
'teacher': 'wwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 0,
'price0': 100,
'price1': 1000
'src': '',
'title': 'Linux',
'teacher': 'wwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 0,
'price0': 100,
'price1': 1000
'src': '',
'title': '数学',
'teacher': 'wwwwww',
'time': '2343234',
'isbuy': 1,
'price0': 200,
'price1': 2000
render() {
const tabs = [
{title: '限时特惠'},
{title: '砍价专区'},
{title: '一键拼团'}
// const bottom = (
// <i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-69 pull-down'}></i>
// )
// const top = (
// <i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-71 pull-down'}></i>
// )
return (
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<i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-68 return'} onClick={this.return.bind(this)}></i>
cancelText={" "}
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onChange={(tab, index) => this.ontabclick(tab, index)}
onTabClick={(tab, index) => this.ontabclick(tab, index)}
<div className='tabs'>
{, index) => {
const Info = (
<div className="info">
<p className='title'>{item.title}</p>
<p className='contact text-overflow-2'>{}</p>
<div className='des'>
{item.isbuy === 0 && <p className="course-price">
<span className='price'>特惠价:</span>
<span className="new">¥{item.price0}</span>
<span className="old">¥{item.price1}</span>
{item.isbuy === 1 &&
<a href="/#" className="isbuy">已购买</a>
const status = (
{item.isbuy === 1 &&
<p className='course-status'>拼团减100</p>
return (
<VList handleClick={this.handleClick} key={index} status={status}
export default Preferential;
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { Checkbox, NavBar } from 'antd-mobile'
import ShopCard from './cardList.js'
import Loading from '@base/Loading'
import './card.scss'
import classnames from 'classnames'
const mockData = [
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
content: '涵盖ML主流算法及其应用-文字超过一行换行',
newprice: '980',
price: '1280',
id: '110',
check: false
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
content: '涵盖ML主流算法及其应用-文字超过一行换行',
newprice: '980',
price: '1280',
id: '111',
check: false
title: '三月面试求职班',
imgUrl: '',
content: '涵盖ML主流算法及其应用-文字超过一行换行',
newprice: '980',
price: '1280',
id: '112',
check: false
class Cart extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
deleteAll: false,
loading: false,
checkedNum: 0,
allPrice: 0,
cartNmu: 0,
data: mockData
this.checkChange = this.checkChange.bind(this);
this.getCartList = this.getCartList.bind(this);
this.changeStock = this.changeStock.bind(this);
getCartList() {
changeStock() {
allChange(e) {
let checked =
let newData =, i) => {
return {
check: checked
data: newData
checkChange(id, check) {
let newData =, i) => {
if ( === id) {
return {
check: check
} else {
return item;
data: newData
calc(newData) {
let allPrice = 0;
let checkedNum = 0;
let cartNmu = 0;
newData.forEach((item, i) => {
if (item.check) {
cartNmu += 1;
checkedNum = i;
allPrice += parseFloat(item.newprice);
buy() {
deleteAll() {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
<div className="cart-page" style={{ overflow: 'hidden' }}>
style={{ "height": "44px" }}
icon={<i style={{"fontSize": '24px'}} className="iconfont iconiconfront-68"></i>}
<i key="0" style={{ "fontSize": '24px' }} className="iconfont iconiconfront-56"></i>
<div className="cart-body">
this.state.loading ?
<Loading />
<ShopCard getCartList={this.getCartList} changeStock={this.changeStock} checkChange={this.checkChange} data={}/>
this.state.deleteAll ?
<div className="cart-footer">
<Checkbox onChange={(e) => {
}} />
<div className={classnames({
'active': this.state.cartNmu > 0
onClick={() => {
if (this.state.cartNmu > 0) {
<div className="cart-footer">
<div className="cart-label">
<Checkbox onChange={(e) => {
}} />
<div className="all-pirce">
<div className={classnames({
'active': this.state.checkedNum > 0
})} onClick={() => {
if (this.state.checkedNum > 0) {
export default connect()(Cart)
\ No newline at end of file
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Tabs, WhiteSpace, Badge} from 'antd-mobile';
import {Tabs, WhiteSpace} from 'antd-mobile';
import './index.scss';
import Bargain from './bargain'
......@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ class Preferential extends Component {
{title: '砍价专区'},
{title: '一键拼团'}
const bottom = (
<i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-69 pull-down'}></i>
const top = (
<i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-71 pull-down'}></i>
// const bottom = (
// <i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-69 pull-down'}></i>
// )
// const top = (
// <i className={'iconfont iconiconfront-71 pull-down'}></i>
// )
return (
<div className='preferential'>
......@@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ class Cart extends Component {
checkChange(id, check) {
let newData =, i) => {
if ( === id) {
return {
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