Commit 36ee3379 by zhanghaozhe


parent c0fa737e
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
height: calc(100% - 44px);
padding-bottom: 44px;
.topic {
@include padding;
font-size: $font_16;
line-height: 30px;
.category-tag {
......@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
margin-bottom: 7px;
padding-top: $padding;
padding-bottom: $padding;
line-height: 30px;
.alphabet {
......@@ -95,9 +98,6 @@
.saq-content {
@include padding;
@keyframes slideInDown {
import React from 'react'
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'
import './examination.scss'
import classnames from 'classnames'
import { Tag } from '../../common'
import OpenApp from './OpenApp'
import { api } from '@/utils'
const mockData = {
id: 2,
type: 1,
options: [
ans: '频繁模式挖掘',
id: 1,
ans: '分类和预测',
id: 2
ans: '数据预处理',
id: 3
ans: '数据流挖掘',
id: 4
ans: 2,
question: '将原始数据进行集成、变换、维度规约、数值规约是在以下哪个步骤的任务()'
const answer = '@nishizhen:个人感觉逻辑回归和线性回归首先都是广义的线性回归,\n' +
'其次经典线性模型的优化目标函数是最小二乘,而逻辑回归则是似然函数,\n' +
'其次经典线性模型的优化目标函数是最小二乘,而逻辑回归则是似然函数,\n' +
'其次经典线性模型的优化目标函数是最小二乘,而逻辑回归则是似然函数,\n' +
'其次经典线性模型的优化目标函数是最小二乘,而逻辑回归则是似然函数,\n' +
'另外线性回归在整个实数域范围内进行预测,敏感度一致,而分类范围,需要在[0,1]。逻辑回归就是一种减小预测范围,将预测值限定为[0,1]间的一种回归模型,因而对于这类问题来说,逻辑回归的鲁棒性比线性回归的要好。\n' +
' '
const saq = '例子:\n' +
' >>>find_string(\'hello\\nworld\\n\',\'wor\')\n' +
'[\'wor\']\n' +
'>>>find_string(\'hello\\nworld\\n\',\'l*d\')\n' +
'[\'ld\']\n' +
'>>>find_string(\'hello\\nworld\\n\',\'o.\')\n' +
export default class Examination extends React.Component {
export default class Examination extends PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isShowAnswer: false
isShowAnswer: false,
questionData: {}
componentDidMount() {
document.getElementsByClassName('tabbar')[0].style.display = 'none';
.then(res => {
showAnswer = () => {
......@@ -64,24 +30,27 @@ export default class Examination extends React.Component {
render() {
// let {ques, type_id, options, analysis} = this.state.questionData
let {
questionData: {
ques, type_id, options, analysis
} = this.state
return (
<div className='examination'>
<div className="question-container">
<div className="topic">
<Tag className='category-tag'>深度学习</Tag>
mockData.type === 1 ? (
<MultipleChoice className='options' options={mockData.options}
type_id === 1 && <MultiChoice className='options' options={options}
) : <SAQ content={saq}/>
!this.state.isShowAnswer &&
!isShowAnswer &&
<div className="show-answer" onClick={this.showAnswer}>
<span>查看解析<i className='iconfont iconiconfront-69'></i></span>
......@@ -90,38 +59,30 @@ export default class Examination extends React.Component {
this.state.isShowAnswer && <Answer content={answer} isShowAnswer></Answer>
isShowAnswer && <Answer content={analysis} isShowAnswer/>
function MultipleChoice({options, correct, showCorrect}) {
const MultiChoice = React.memo(({options, showCorrect}) => {
return (
<ul className='options'>
{, index) => (
<li key={index} className={classnames('option', {'active': correct === && showCorrect})}>
<li key={index} className={classnames('option', {'active': item.is_ans === 1 && showCorrect})}>
<span className="alphabet">{String.fromCharCode(65 + index)}</span>
function SAQ({content}) {
return (
<p className={'saq-content'}>
function Answer({content, isShowAnswer}) {
const Answer = React.memo(({content, isShowAnswer}) => {
return (
<div className={classnames('answer', {scale: isShowAnswer})}>
<p className='legend'>解析</p>
......@@ -129,7 +90,5 @@ function Answer({content, isShowAnswer}) {
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